8. Business Series: Element 4 – CEO Mindset part 3
To have a CEO mindset, you need to spend more time working on, rather than in, the business. To do that effectively, a successful CEO is focused on 3 key questions. Resolving those questions will result in higher profits and growth in the business.
Business Coach, Business Mentor, Business Consultant. Who Do I Need?
A business consultant, a business coach, or a business mentor? These terms are very confusing. Some people use them interchangeably, making it difficult for interested clients to understand the difference. These experts have specific expertise to help you with...
Vision leads to success
When we think of visionaries, people's minds tend to go to celebrated historical figures like Nelson Mandela or Henry Ford, who saw a better future and shaped the world as we know it. But vision is not reserved just for a select few, and it is not something out of...
7. Business Series: Element 4 – CEO Mindset part 2
The first step in achieving your CEO mindset is for you to ask yourself this question “Do I BELIEVE I am the CEO of my business”.
8. Leadership Series: Principle 6 – Delegation part 2
Continuing the 12 steps to mastering delegation, plus your checklist to success.
6. Business Series: Element 4 – CEO Mindset part 1
Mindset is key to success in business. And framing the correct mindset in business, from the start, enables powerful growth and high profits to be achieved. Lets ensure you have the CEO mindset which will attract all desired elements into your business environment from the start.
7. Leadership Series: Principle 6 – Delegation part 1
In my opinion, the art of delegation is the most crucial skill every business owner must master. Let’s unpack these 12 steps to delegation. Without them, the journey to growth and success is forever filled with unnecessary challenge and difficulty.
5. Business Series: Know Your Numbers Part 2 – Ratio Analysis
The secret used by CFOs of large companies, Ratio Analysis. Knowing how to use ratios gives you a fast way of measuring your business position in a context that can drive better performance.
What’s holding you back?
What’s holding you back and potentially creating all the unwanted outcomes in your life and business?
7. Success Series: Principle 5 – Motivation part 2
Part 2 of the Motivation Model – We dive deeper into understanding how your motivation is drained and maximised. And give you tips on how to get optimal motivation to lead you to success.
6. Success Series: Principle 5 – Motivation part 1
Motivation is one of the fundamental keys to success. In this video we explore how motivation works, and understand how to create long lasting positive motivation.
5. Success Series: Principle 4 – Perception is Projection
What you experience as reality, is in fact a projection of what your thoughts and feelings are! So if you are experiencing a negative life, then that is simply due to your feelings, thoughts, words and beliefs. You want success? Well it’s simple… feel it, think it, believe it, and soon enough you will experience it.
4. Success Series: Principle 3 – Above The Line
Are you the Victor or Victim in the story of your life? Do you let others govern how you feel, or are you in charge of your destiny? In this third principle of success, I show you how to take charge of your life outcomes.
6. Leadership Series: Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence has a stronger influence on success than IQ. That’s because managing your emotions is key to leadership and influence. Further, your ability to be in tune with the emotions of others allows you to connect. Watch this video for further insights.
5. Leadership Series: Behavioural Profiling
If you’re hiring staff and you’re not using a behavioural profiling tool, your chances of successfully hiring the right person is reduced by 62%. That means lost time, money and energy. Watch this video to understand DISC profiling and make team building easy.
4. Business Series: Know Your Numbers part 1
It’s simple. If you don’t know where your business stands, then any decision you make is based on assumptions and perhaps leading you to failure. The easiest way to know the truth, is to know your business numbers! This video is the first in a sub-series about Knowing Your Numbers… and we start at a basic P&L overview. Enjoy!
3. Business Series: Structure
Knowledge is power, and this video is about understanding what your options are when it comes to forming your business structure. This one is out of my ordinary line of videos. It’s much more technical, none the less the content is fundamental to success.
2. Business Series: Business Planning
How you start your business often dictates what your business will become. And if you start without a plan, it’s likely your business will become disorganised and potentially become another failed statistic. This workshop gives you the tool to build a business plan, and create a solid foundation for business success.
4. Leadership Series: Communication Basics
Communication is singularly the most powerful tool available to leaders. Mastering this skill differentiates leaders from managers. This video shares a couple of key tips to connect through communication.
1. Business Series: Introducing The Series
Business is often a complicated and confusing journey, only because it may have been commenced with insufficient understanding, planning and resources. This series provides you with business basics to get the foundations right, allowing you to grow a profitable, exciting and long term successful venture!
11. Leadership Startup Series: Be Do Have
This model identifies the reason why most goals are never met, and shows you the trick to ensure that you become a goal achieving machine. Teach your team how to do this and enjoy effortless success.
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Session and Mindset Coaching Review
with Mark Hamawi
If you are considering booking a FREE discovery session it is because you want to become a better executive, leader, business owner or community member.
Mark Hamawi will deliver expert leadership workshops and executive coaching services that build success mindset, strategic thinking and influential communication.